Duckfoot Bend

Duckfoot bend, also known as a duckfoot fitting, is a type of pipe fitting used to change the direction of flow in a piping system, typically by 90 degrees. It is named “duckfoot” because its shape resembles the webbed foot of a duck. These bends are often used in situations where there is limited space, and a standard elbow or bend would not fit or would be too cumbersome to install.

duckfoot bend

Duck Foot Bend Purpose

duck foot bend, also known as a duckfoot bend or duckfoot bend pipe, is a type of fitting used in piping systems. Its primary purposes are:

  1. Direction Change: It allows for a change in the direction of the pipeline, typically by 90 degrees. This is particularly useful in confined spaces where a smooth transition is needed.

  2. Space Optimization: By changing the direction of the pipe within a compact area, it helps in optimizing space in complex piping systems.

  3. Flow Management: It helps in managing the flow of liquids or gases within the pipeline, ensuring smooth and efficient transportation.

  4. Ease of Installation: It simplifies the installation process in scenarios where direct connections are difficult or impossible due to space constraints or design requirements.

  5. Structural Support: Provides support and stability to the piping system, reducing stress on other components and joints.

Duck foot bends are commonly used in various industries, including water supply, wastewater management, industrial fluid transportation and especially popular in conjunction with hydrants because hydrants require water from underground and horizontal pipes to be changed to vertical water in order to use it, and a duckfoot bend does this in a number of ways:

Change of direction: A duckfoot bend efficiently changes horizontal flowing water to vertical flowing water, allowing it to be sent directly to the hydrant to meet the special requirements of a fire protection system for water flow direction.

Secure connection: The design of a duckfoot bend ensures a secure connection to a hydrant, avoiding loose or leaking connections due to changes in pressure, and ensuring system safety and reliability. A duckfoot bend also supports a hydrant, eliminating the need for extraneous structural supports like the one shown in Figure 2.

Pressure management: Using a duckfoot bend allows water pressure to be managed effectively to ensure adequate water pressure is available to meet the needs of a hydrant after changing direction, ensuring an adequate water supply for firefighting in emergency situations.

Durability: Duckfoot bends are typically made of durable materials that can withstand high pressure and harsh use environments, ensuring long-term, stable operation of a fire protection system.

Ease of maintenance: The structural design of a duckfoot bend makes it easy to maintain and inspect, ensuring quick repairs or replacements can be made when needed, reducing system downtime and improving overall operational efficiency.

In summary, a duckfoot bend plays a critical role in a fire protection system, ensuring that a hydrant can effectively get vertical water flow from a horizontal piping system to meet its intended use.


duck foot bend application

Figure 1 duckfoot bend provides support and stability to the piping system in confined space

duck foot bend purpose

Figure 2 duckfoot bend provides support and stability to firehydrant

duckfoot bend fire hydrant

Figure 3 duckfoot bend fire hydrant , manufacturer offer fir hydrant together with the duckfoot bend

Duckfoot Bend Drawing

duckfoot bend drawing

Duckfoot Bend Drawing

Nominal Diameter DN L H A B d Mass (kg) PN10 Mass (kg) PN16 Mass (kg) PN25
80 165 110 180 120 19 14.1 14.1 14.8
100 180 125 200 130 23 17.8 17.8 19.2
150 220 160 250 165 28 30 30 32
200 250 190 300 215 28 46.5 46 52.5
250 350 225 350 250 31 75 75 82
300 400 255 400 300 31 106 105 116
350 450 290 450 350 34 139 145 162
400 500 320 500 390 37 178 189 212
450 550 350 550 440 37 245 261 283
500 600 385 600 490 37 283 313 337
600 700 450 700 580 40 428 481 509
700 800 515 800 680 43 684 708 683
800 900 580 900 770 49 944 974 1000
900 1000 645 1000 870 49 1252 1290 1411
1000 1100 710 1100 960 56 1629 1698 1854
1200 1300 840 1300 1160 56 2599 2709 2908

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